Curriculum Vitae – Ing. Martin Šlouf

Table of Contents


Curriculum Vitae in czech / strukturovaný životopis v češtině.


Date and Place of Birth
23.10. 1978, Slaný, Czech Republic
Na Vyhlídce 1106, Kralupy nad Vltavou, 278 01, Czech Republic
martin (at) slouf (dot) name
Home page
University of Economics Prague, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics (KiT)
  • February 2005 – master’s degree in Information Technologies
  • September 2000 – bachelor’s degree in Information Technologies
Research and Development
1999 Research assistant (doc. RNDr. Pavel Drbal, CSc.)
Czech (native), English (experienced)

Professional Skills

Analysis and design of information systems
UML, object oriented methods and technologies, ERD modelling
CASE tools
Enterprise Architect, MagicDraw
Development tools
JetBrains toolbox, OS Linux, GNU Emacs
Project management
Agile, Waterfall
Software architecture
Client-server, Monolithic, Distributed components, Microservices
  • Microservices: API Gateway (Traefik), Service Mesh, messaging, container orchestration (kubernetes, AWS ECS, Fargate)
GitLab CI/CD
  • platforms: AWS, Heroku
    • AWS: EC2, ECS, EBS, RDS, VPC, S3, Cognito, Lambda, CloudFront, CloudFormation, …
  • technologies: terraform, kubernetes, serverless framework
Programming languages
Java (experienced), Python (experienced), Groovy (experienced), Kotlin, Javascript, C, C++, perl, PHP
  • Java: Java SE, Java EE, ant, maven, hibernate, spring framework (inc. springboot), eclipse rcp, …
  • Python: python stdlib, SQLAlchemy, Celery, redis, requests, pygtk, …
  • Groovy: GPars, Gradle, Grails, …
  • Virtualization: Linux kvm
  • Containers: docker, docker-compose, kubernetes
  • Middleware
    • Spring Framework: spring-boot, spring-data, spring-security, spring-aop, spring-webmvc, …
    • JEE: servlets, web services (SOAP, REST), JPA, JAXB, …
    • Python: web services (SOAP, REST), Gunicorn, Flask, Bottle, …
    • CORBA
  • SQL databases: Oracle (PL/SQL), PostgreSQL, MySQL, FirebirdSQL, IBM DB2
  • NoSQL databases: MongoDB, BaseX, REDIS
  • XML: XPath, XQuery
  • Messaging: RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka
  • Internet technologies
    • protocols – TCP/IP, DNS, SMTP, …
    • web standards – HTTP, OAUTH2, HTML, …
    • OS Linux administration
      • security – openssl, firewall, vpn
      • configuration and deployment of server side software – Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, OpenLDAP, PostgreSQL, Postfix, Dovecot, OwnCloud, GitLab, Keycloak, …

Soft Skills

  • lifelong learner
  • cooperative, get along with others
  • team leadership, technical leadership
  • communication

Practical Skills

  • Application development (analysis, design, coding, software architecture, DevOps)
  • IS/IT consulting (requirement analysis, proccess models)
  • OS Linux administration (web & mail hosting, security)
2006–2024 contractor IT specialist
2005–2006 full-time + contractor IT consultant Facility s.r.o.
2000–2005 contractor IT specialist (during studies)


2021–2024 OpenPlatform

Project OpenPlatform
Business Domain Framework
Team Role software architect, developer, DevOps
Description application framework
Technologies SpringBoot, MongoDb, Kafka, ElasticSearch, Tesseract, Microservices, Docker, AWS (Amazon Web Services)

As a member of LiveSystems s.r.o. I participate in development and integration of OpenPlatform – generic and extensive application framework for modern web-based application with many integrations and features. Cloud application deployed at AWS.

2021 PVS registration

Project PVS registration
Business Domain forms, transactional manager
Team Role backend developer, DevOps
Description simple form application
Technologies Serverless Framework, AWS

As a member of LiveSystems s.r.o. I participate in development, deployment and operations of small-scaled application for data collection in AWS cloud-native technologies (AWS CloudFront, AWS Cognito, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, Mongo DB Atlas), automated deployment using serverless framework and AWS CloudFormation.

2019–2024 STARnet

Project STARnet
Business Domain CTRM (Commodity, Trade and Risk Management)
Team Role software architect, developer, DevOps
Description CTRM support application
Technologies Python, Redis, PostgreSQL, Microservices, Docker

As a member of LiveSystems s.r.o. I participate in development and integration of custom CTRM application.

2019–2021 OpenTreasury

Project OpenTreasury
Business Domain finance, treasury
Team Role software architect, developer, DevOps
Description application for cashflow management
Technologies SpringBoot, MongoDb, RabbitMQ, Microservices, Docker, AWS (Amazon Web Services)

As a member of LiveSystems s.r.o. I participate in development and integration of OpenTreasury application for treasury management. Cloud application deployed at AWS.


Project International Business and Management Conference Prague 2016 Registration
Business Domain online registration, PayPal
Team Role developer
Description small web application, registration workflow, payments in PayPal
Technologies Python 3, SQLAlchemy, Flask, REDIS, Nginx

Development and deployment of small web application for conference registration including payments in PayPal and simple web presentation –, hosted at

2010–2019 ISPOP

Project System for Ministry of environment of the Czech Republic – ISPOP
Business Domain environment, legislation
Team Role software architect, developer, DevOps, author of technical documentation
Description large scaled JEE application, processing of large datasets
Technologies JBoss, Tomcat, Oracle Database, Novell AGW & eDirectory, OpenAM, Adobe Livecycle, Magnolia, BaseX, HazelCast, Spring Framework 4.x, SpringBoot 1.5.x, JPA 2.x

As a member of DAIN s.r.o., analysis and development of large application, portal and other IT services for MoE CZE – implementation and design of server-side services and gui.

Business logic (Spring Framework, SpringBoot), Oracle database (Hibernate, PL/SQL), provide web service interfaces for large parts of the system (spring ws, jax-ws, jaxb, REST), reporting over large XML database (BaseX), integration of the following products: Adobe LiveCycle ES2 (EJB, XML), Magnolia portal, single-sign-on (Novell AGW & eDirectory, OpenAm), interfaces to 3rd party systems (ISDS, e-Podatelna).

Deployment, management of several environments (production, integration, development), automation of integration builds (hudson, nexus), scm deployment (Gitlab).

2010 EnviHD

Project Supporting system for decision making for Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic – EnviHD
Business Domain environment, legislation, expert systems
Team Role design
Description large scaled JEE application, helpdesk and expert system for decision making
Technologies JBoss, Oracle, Jira, Tovek, spring framework 3.x, hibernate, Java & C

As a member of DAIN s.r.o., taking part in analysis and design of large JEE application – helpdek with expert system backend. Integration of application at customer’s environment (portal Magnolia, ISPOP system).

2009–2021 py-summer

Project Open Source project py-summer,
Team Role team leadership and the only developer :-)
Description Simple Python 3 application framework
Technologies Python 3

2009 ASMKS

Project Supporting system for spectral analysis – ASMKS
Business Domain telco
Team Role developer
Description large scaled JEE
Technologies oc4j cluster, JDBC, web services, jakarta struts 1.2.x

As a member of DELTAX systems (later Telefonica 02 Business Solutions), mostly server side programming – web services (Metro Stack), security (digital signature signing and verification, timestamp generation), XSLT transformations, web service integration.


Business Domain bank system for branch office
Team Role developer
Description large scaled JEE application, UML modelling
Technologies spring framework, jpa (hibernate), web services, eclipse rcp

As a member of BSC Prague s.r.o., GUI and server programming.

2008 TUTOS Installation

Customized installation of TUTOS running under OS Linux (including configuration of server side daemons – Apache, MySQL) for Facility.


Purchase and deployment of custom hosting server,

Server is dedicated for running professional applications and services, web & mail hosting. Support for deployment of various not-so-common services, such as docker, TurboGears, CORBA and others.

Advanced configuration of apache, postfix, openldap, spamassasin, nexus, gitolite etc.


Project GEMINI Branch Automation
Business Domain bank system for branch office
Team Role developer, team leader
Description large JEE application
Technologies spring framework, hibernate, web services, eclipse rcp

As a member of BSC Prague s.r.o., GUI and server programming, defect management, deployment and installation support

2006 BASEL I & II

Project Bank system for capital adequacy reports
Business Domain banking, capital adequacy (BASEL I, BASEL II)
Team Role developer, team leader
Description large scaled JEE aplikace, integration and deployment in customer’s environment
Technologies Oracle 10i, spring framework, hibernate, jakarta-struts 1.x

As a member of Facility s.r.o., development of large scaled JEE application. On demand generation of capital adequacy reports based on BASEL I and (partly) BASEL II suitable for CNB (Czech Central Bank). Test environment setup and integration testing (extensive JUnit test cases).

2005–2006 Facicash


Project Application for cash-flow management
Business Domain cashflow and treasury
Team Role developer, team leader
Description medium sized JEE application
Technologies Tomcat, spring framework, hibernate, jakarta-struts 1.x

As a member of Facility s.r.o. development of JEE application for cash-flow and treasury. My responsibilities were software architecture, GUI and server programming, team leadership, support and integration, see below.


Project FaciCash integration
Business Domain cashflow and treasury
Team Role business consultant, analyst
Description Functional and non-functional software requirements, description of user interactions

As a member of Facility s.r.o. taking active part as a business consultant to describe and manage FaciCash extensions for future implementation.

Implementation of such an extensions and their integration at customer’s environment (Solaris + Oracle, Windows 2003 Server + MSSQL, Linux + PostgreSQL, …).

2005 FaciMap

Project FaciMap – application for risk management
Business Domain risk management a internal audit
Team Role developer, team leader
Description standalone JSE application, thick client
Technologies UML modeling, spring framework, jpa (hibernate), web services, Java Swing

As a member of Facility s.r.o. development of standalone JSE application for risk management, test environment setup and deployment.

2005 TUTOS Installation

Customized installation of TUTOS system including Linux server setup (Apache, MySQL) for Montako company. Initial data migration with customized PHP scripting.

Experience During Studies (in czech)

2004 Lustrátor

Project Lustrátor,
Business Domain učetnictví, platební morálka
Team Role developer, administrátor
Description Aplikace pro sledování zadluženosti a platební morálky.
Technologies UML modelování

V rámci týmu subdodavatelů pro společnost Finapp s.r.o. vývoj Java aplikace s napojením na rozsáhlou databázi platební morálky, zajištění běhového běhového prostředí (JEE server, VPN, automatizovaný import dat).

Aplikace byla v provozu 2004–2007.

2003–2005 TUTOS

V letech 2003–2005 jsem byl aktivním členem projektu TUTOS. Systém TUTOS je větší systém pro správu projektů, dokumentů a kontaktů. Viz též moje diplomová práce.

Podílel jsem se na překladu do češtiny, drobných soukromých rozšířeních (importy dat, speciální sestavy).

Použité technologie: pokročilé PHP, technologie webu (HTML, CSS, Javascript), CVS.

Instalace a správa systému TUTOS pro společnost Finapp s.r.o. – plně customizovaná instalace systému TUTOS (včetně konfigurace serverových programů) pod OS Linux – zálohy dat, zavedení i méně běžných modulů systému TUTOS aj.

2002–2007 server Lustrátor

Administrace serveru společnosti Finapp s.r.o. (OS Debian GNU/Linux).

Instalace, konfigurace a provoz dedikovaného serveru pro běh aplikace Lustrátor a běh systému TUTOS.

Mezi využívané programové vybavení patřila IPSec VPN, iptables, Apache, Apache Tomcat, TUTOS, FirebirdSQL, rsync. Bylo nasazeno specifické skriptování a zálohování projektu Lustrátor.

2002 GiT Consult

Project Analýza interního systému pro společnost GiT Consult
Business Domain personalistika, lidské zdroje
Team Role analytik
Description Evidence nabídky i poptávky po práci, sofistikované vyhledávání vhodných kandidátů na pracovní pozice.
Technologies UML modelování

Analýza uživatelských požadavků a procesů, logický model systému v UML. Aplikace byla realizována.

2000–2004 small web applications

Vývoj menších webových aplikací v PHP/Python, typicky administrační rozhraní pro dynamické webové stránky za spolupráce s grafikem.

Zajištění běhového prostředí a konfigurace serveru Apache.

2000 implementovaný engine byl v provozu do 2008 tvorba stránek pro Přírodovědeckou fakultu UK v PHP + skriptování
2002 provoz ukončen 2005 administrační rozhraní redakčního systému v PHP
2004 provoz ukončen 2009 administrační rozhraní v Python 2 + skriptování

2000–2007 server Olymp-Net s.r.o.

Administrace serveru společnosti Olymp-Net s.r.o. (OS Debian GNU/Linux).

Instalace, konfigurace a provoz web a mail hostingu pro společnost Olymp-Net s.r.o. a přidružené subjekty. Mezi využívané programové vybavení patřilo djbdns, ssh, Qmail, Apache (mod_php, mod_python, mod_jk, mod_ssl, mod_rewrite), Tomcat, MySQL, PostgreSQL.

Nejvýznamnější hostované weby v té době:

Sportovní.net, požadavky: mod_rewrite, mod_php, napojení na mail systém (programování v C), monitoring portálu pomocí vlastních skriptů, požadavky: mod_rewrite, mod_jk2, tomcat, monitoring portálu

Other Interests

Sport → Strava cycling (Banana Expedition – 1, 2, article in czech), running, basketball (ages ago)
Literature sci-fi, fiction
Music → Bandcamp jazz, rock, metal, instrumental, vocal

Author: martin (at) slouf (dot) name

Created: 2024-04-13 So 21:15